Sorry for the radio silence. Life has been getting in the way but I've managed to get a few things done. First up is a Warboss on Giant Cave Squig from Forge World. This model is oozing character, he is the perfect transition between the old and new look Goblins Grots. I repainted the squig several times and in the end settled on the classic red colour scheme which I think compliments that dark robes of the moon clan perfectly.
I have also begun work on Grom the Paunch and his chariot. I am happy with how his paintjob is turning out but am having a surprisingly hard time with Niblet. For some reason I can't seem to get him right, I have tried twice now and keep screwing it up. He's currently sitting in a bath of paint stripper ready for another attempt... when I have the patience that is. Third times a charm right?
And last up something non-Grot related. I have begun construction on a Marienburg Landship! A great looking kit that I am assembling for my future Empire army. I have the army in boxes/FW packets and this will become my next project once the grots are done (...or at least nearing completion :p). More updates coming soon!