Thursday, 31 May 2018

Dino Debut - Sons of Horus

Hey there guys! 

This will be my first blog post, as university term has just ended and so I've finally gotten enough time to work on my hobbies!

As a quick intro to me, I've been doing wargaming since I can remember, and while I've been playing Games Workshop games for almost 12 years now, I also play several historical and alternative sci-fi games (especially 6mm WWII) which may make occasional guest appearances in my posts!
Within Games Workshop, which is the main focus of the blog, I play pretty much every system they have out now, and a few OOP ones. Every flavour of 40K Chaos and AoS Death are the two main forces, but over the years I've collected a bit of everything. I'm very much a hobby butterfly, so don't be surprised if every post I make has wildly different content! Recently, I've been eyeing up building my own 40K board (finally!) and making it Necromunda suitable, so you may see some Gangs knocking about soon as well!

Moving on to the main part of this post, most of you will have seen Regnak's Alpha Legion over the last few weeks, and we've agreed to do some Zone Mortalis battles to get back into Heresy era gaming. As a result, I bought up some more Sons of Horus to make into a purpose-built Zone Mortalis force, especially as up till now I haven't had any Justaerin! So I took the opportunity and jumped in.

The Sons of Horus Contemptor is one of my personal favourite FW models, and if Regnak is gonna be bringing Alpharius they're gonna need to do a lot of heavy lifting! At least until I finally build up the courage to go for Horus. . .

However, while finding some Custodes bits for Regnak's awesomely in-depth Alpharius conversion, I realised I had 15 Sisters of Silence knocking about unbuilt, so I've started working on those to try and get them up to ZM level, although I've hit a bit of a block because their units are so points cheap compared to the Legions!

Here's a Vigilator Cadre with breaching charge courtesy of some Death Korps

Friday, 23 February 2018

Malign Portents: Sticking with Herzberg Irregulars

I was planning on switching back to my Renegades for the next couple of weeks but have instead cracked on with the Herzberg Irregulars. The main reason? Malign Portents! Since this campaign is running for a while I thought it made sense to get my new AOS army up and running as soon as possible so I can at least get a few games in. This will also hopefully speed up my building and painting backlog.. we shall see! I have started work on Forge World's excellent Elspeth Von Draken on Carmine Dragon kit and thought it best to magnetise the wings to make transporting this beastie a bit easier.

Carmine Dragon WIP #1 - Magnets added to wings

Carmine Dragon WIP #2 - Wings attached

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Herzberg Irregulars Progress Report #1

Well these last 2 weeks have flown by! I have managed to get a fair chunk of my Herzberg Irregulars assembled and based. I'm so glad I pulled the trigger on the DragonForge Bases, these compliment the models perfectly. The next 2 weeks will be spent back on the Renegades but before that I thought I'd make a progress report. As always with my purchases from Forge World there were issues with some of the models. Both the Empire Command set and Manann's Blades Command had issues, dodgy shiny resin, soft detail and missing parts.. all the things that have unfortunately become the norm for Me when I order from Forge World. I have sent customer service an email with issues along with photos so hopefully when the hobby project rotates back to the Herzberg Irregulars I will have the replacement kits to work on. Anyway here is current progress:

20x Ironsides inc Command

Ironsides Closeup

Ironsides Command Closeup

10x Manann's Blades

Manann's Blades Closeup

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Herzberg Irregulars and Painting Comp

As mentioned previously I have decided to split my hobby months into half AOS and the other 40k. Since we are in the first part of the month work has finally begun on the Herzberg Irregulars. So far I have managed to assemble a 10-man Ironsides unit, 3 Manann's Blades and a model that has been sitting in a box for the last 5 years: The Event Only Warrior Priest.

Manann's Blades & Warrior Priest

And lastly here is my entry for the painting comp I mentioned in my last post. I was one vote away from 3rd place. Was a bit of a rush job and took about an hour to paint, wish I had some lighter colours to make bits stand out. 
Aetheric Navigator

Saturday, 13 January 2018

First Post of the Year! 40k Renegades Project is Underway!

First post of the year. I have decided to spend the first 2 weeks of a month working on my AOS Empire army and the last 2 weeks working on my 40k Renegades. Work will begin on The Empire models from the 1st of Feb and thought I'd spend an extra couple of days getting work underway on my new Chaos Renegades project. I have made good progress so far and have put together 2x 10-Man Marauder squads (armed with shotguns) and also 5x Renegade Ogryns. I was also lucky enough to get a Valdor Tank from my Fiancee for Xmas but as with my usual luck when ordering from Forge World their non-existent quality control made sure that work on that would be delayed by "3 weeks due to how busy we are to get the faulty part cast". Why they cannot take a replacement part from one of the others in stock and send that to me to speed things up I have no idea. People always rave about the excellent customer service they provide with replacing parts but shouldn't the mark of good customer service be checking the parts BEFORE sending them out so people don't receive poor quality models that they charge premium prices for? Then add to that making the customer wait weeks before the issue is resolved? Very poor indeed. Anyway, enough moaning.. it is what it is. Here are a few more pics of my progress so far:

10-Man Marauder squad #1
10-Man Marauder squad #2
5-Man Renegade Ogryn Squad
“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago” - Friedrich Nietzsche.