Friday, 16 March 2012

Death Korps of Krieg 2.0

Yep, I've gone back to the well. A friend of mine has reignited my passion for 40k by picking up the new Necron Battleforce and a few other bits. He has never played 40k before or any other games systems. It all started when I recommended he pick up Space Marine for the xbox. He knew nothing about the fluff or factions apart from the occasional peek at what I am working on or listening to me waffle about the latest Black Library book I have read. After picking up the game and playing it through and then spending many hours online together on the multiplayer modes he started asking questions about the 40k Universe. I lent him my copy of the 40k rulebook and after reading through this and looking on the GW website I met up with him a week later to find he had picked up the Necron codex, Command barge and the Battleforce boxset. We have arranged to have a 500 or 750 point game as soon as we both have our armies ready. I have dug out my unfinished Death Korps and began working on a new scheme and list for our first game. I have lots to paint and I'm working on a tough conversion for my army commander which will be part of the Death Rider command squad. Lots of updates to come as I make progress and also some ideas for a list that I'll be using, until then I leave you with a look at my "almost finished" Grenadier Centaur.  Enjoy!

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“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago” - Friedrich Nietzsche.