Monday, 25 September 2017

Man O'War eBay Score!

Everything included in auction
As I get older I find myself looking back with fondness on all the games I used to play as a wee nipper and wanting to recapture some of this childhood magic in my adult life. One of the games I used to play way back when was "Man O'War". I ended up getting a cracking deal on a set in very good condition. The previous owner had basically assembled the ships, pushed the tokens out of their surround and then packed everything back in the box where it has remained ever since. The cards are still sealed and the ship sails/banners unused. Even the box was described as being in good condition with just a small knock on one of the corners.
Some extra ships included in auction
Also included in the auction was an Imperial Greatship (undercoated, one mast needs a slight repair) and a Dwarf Nautilus squadron (basecoated). Buying stuff counts as hobby progress, right? Expect some Man O'War posts in the future but for now my Night Goblins will be taking priority in preparation for a big AOS game my group has planned for a months time.

Iron Maiden - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago” - Friedrich Nietzsche.